Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"Rose, if Gunther is feeding the crocodiles, we both know that Billy has fed Gunther to them."

Monday, September 28, 2009

She continued, "but I think Gunter might be dead or hurt because Billy kept saying 'Gunter is feeding the crocodiles.'"

Saturday, September 26, 2009

"The little bastard is in New York City's Central Park riding the carousel , and I think Gunter is with him! " Rose barked.

Friday, September 25, 2009

He quickly ended the call with forensics, stepped to the side, out of his partner’s hearing, and without so much as a greeting, sputtered to Rose “Where’s Billy?”
Suddenly Sugarsmith's phone is vibrating from another incoming call from Rose he sees, while thinking the worst with stomach turning but trying to remain calm, as he had on many occations, to get through the terror he felt.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

As Detective Sugarsmith, was on the phone to the forensic squad, he was preoccupied with thoughts of Rose his fiancee, Dr Gottschalk and the trouble she was having with the missing teen she had been treating.

Monday, September 21, 2009

"Hey Sugarsmith, lets get those forensic boys in here and see if the victim was bald just like those other 8 stiffs", continued Barns.
"Unbelievable -- this is the ninth reptile-related homicide reported in the United States in 30 days," Barns thought to himself, shaking his head incredulously, "and now the killer is in L.A."
Meanwhile Los Angeles Robbery Homicide Detective Woodrow Barns and his partner Steve Sugarsmith are investigating what appears to be a suicide by alligator when Sugarsmith says, "If you squint your eyes just right and look at the leg sticking out of the crocodile's  mouth it looks just like he's smoking a huge corn cob pipe."

Sunday, September 20, 2009

But I'm not ready to stop riding the carousel... and besides, help for what?
"I will however, get you help if you want it Billy."
Rose instinctively knew Billy was trying to play his sick game she said,"Billy I will not play this game with you again."

Friday, September 18, 2009

"Dr., did you know that crocodiles are attracted to blood and they can move faster than a man", continued Billy.
"I didn't want to hurt him, but once I started, I couldn't stop myself," Billy began, giggling a little.
  Dr. Gottschalk a well trained psychiatrist waited , understanding this call from Willem  was not a call for help but  just another intrusion into her life to brag about his latest crime.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Her mind raced as she wondered what to say next --

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

She had second thoughts about giving Billy her number, but giving it to him was part of her compulsive past catching her off guard.
Rose thought back to when all the trouble began.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"Billy, you and I both know that Gunter has been a mute, since your parents accidental beheading in New Guinea."
Billy gave a near-hysterical giggle and hissed, "Gunter's right here -- but let's just say that he isn't able to talk to anyone right now."
Doctor Gottschalk realizing Willhem is on the Eastern seaboard in violation of his parole, carefully asks, "Have you contacted your brother Gunther?"
After a long pause and a marked change in the tone of his voice, "In Central Park..."

Monday, September 14, 2009

"Billy, where are you and are you OK?"
Billy, Rose though, Willem White a troubled teen she had been treating for low self esteem and self mutilation.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

"Dr. Rose, did you know that blood isn't red in the light of the moon, it's black ," the voice continued.
The rage behind the words came screaming through the phone and made Rose's stomach instantly curdle into a icy ball of dread.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Doctor Rose you know how hard I have been working to stand up to him and tonight I did it.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

"I'm sorry. I should have waited till morning, but I just had to tell you -- I did it!"

The voice sounded somewhat familiar to her but she couldn’t quite place it, as she was still reeling from her state of twilight consciousness being awakened so abruptly.

"Who is this"? sighed Dr Gotschalk.
"Dr. Gottschalk, thank god I was able to reach you", the voice began.
All too used to having her slumber interrupted by calls from distraught clients, she grabs the phone without fumbling, hits the "answer" button, and brings it to her ear in a single fluid motion before answering crisply, "Dr. Rose Gottschalk speaking."
The black phone's shrill report pierces the thick and heavy silence of the starless night shocking Rose from her dreamless sleep.